Follow these steps to create a custom report tailored to your specific needs. Generating reports can provide valuable insights and help streamline your operations, allowing you to make informed decisions based on your data.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Reports, and select the type of report you'd like to generate. This initial selection will determine the specific dataset you will be working with for your report.
  2. Click Create to the right of the Saved Views drop-down box. This action will initiate the process of setting up a new custom report.
  3. Input a View Name for future reference. It is advisable to choose a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the report, making it easier to locate later.
  4. Click the + icon under Data and select the data you wish to view. You may want to consider the information that is most pertinent to your objectives. Repeat this step to build up all the items required in the report. Customising the data selection will ensure the report aligns with your specific needs.
  5. Complete any additional Settings as necessary, ensuring that the report is tailored to your requirements. Here, you can also set any user Permissions required, determining who can access or modify the report.
  6. Finally, click Save to finish creating your custom report.

You will now be able to see the new Report View in the drop-down list. This newly created report view can be easily accessed whenever you need it. For your convenience, please use the following table to establish what data you can view in each report. This will help you better understand the various reporting options available and guide you in selecting the most appropriate report types for your analysis.

Data ItemAttendeesOrdersEventsPaymentsVolume
Product Name(s)

Participant [Fieldname]

Purchaser [Fieldname]

Type - [Fieldname]




Order Reference

Order Status

Product Group

(Event) Start Date Time

(Event) End Date Time


Order Date

Order Value

Order Paid

Order Source

Order Modified Date

Order Outstanding

Order Comments/Notes

Total Value


Event Group Code
How Did You Hear About Us?

Age On Event Date

Accounting Code

Product Pricing Chosen

Order IP Address



Tax / VAT

Order Charges

Resource Type


Publish Date Time

Unpublish Date Time

Attendees Booked

Attendees Checked In

Minimum Attendance Limit

(Event) Capacity

(Payment) Date

(Payment) Time

(Payment) Type

(Payment) Method

Transaction Id

Transaction Processed By

Transaction Description

WorldPay Transaction ID

Event Dates

Volume Date

New Users

Return Customer

Total Orders

Total Order Items

Orders Cancelled


If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for guidance. We are here to help you make the most of your BookingLive experience.